Hafid Bouzza schreef een prachtige brief aan Vincent van Gogh voor de tentoonstelling When I Give, I Give Myself in 2015. We ontmoetten hem in een café, net redelijk hersteld na een periode in het ziekenhuis. Ons contact was direct warm en open, alsof we elkaar al jarenlang kenden. Hier zijn brief integraal: “G, V, (D), Amsterdam, 6 april…
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Twee artikelen over When I Give, I Give Myself in het FD
Zie de Press pagina op deze website voor de links naar de PDF’s waarin de stukken te lezen zijn.
Birthday Nicole Krauss
Today is Nicole Krauss’ birthday. As part of the When I Give, I Give Myself exhibition she responded to a letter by Vincent van Gogh on the fear for the blank canvas, and, as she writes back ‘also, on a larger scale, of the “infinitely meaningless, discouraging, dispiriting blank side” that life itself always turns toward us, and which can only be countered when a person “steps in and does…
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Ryan Gander performance during opening of When I Give, I Give Myself
During the opening at the Van Gogh Museum on 19 May Ryan Gander gave a performance, which was in fact executed by Jonathan P. Watts. Actors planted in the audience slowly increased their enthusiasm for the performer and what he had to say. It build up to an electryfying atmosphere amongst the 400 people present. It was the best start the exhibition could get.
From 20/5 onwards at the Van Gogh Museum: When I Give, I Give Myself
The exhibition When I Give, I Give Myself features work from contemporary artists that respond to a letter written by Van Gogh specifically chosen for them by guest-curator Henk Schut.
Installation in De Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam
Artery currently produces an installation by artist Henk Schut in De Nieuwe Kerk. The installation will be part of the exhibition Masks and Sculptures from Ivory Coast. The exhibition can be seen from 25 October 2104 – 15 February 2015.
Van Gogh Mile
During the very last days in April the Van Gogh Mile was dismantled. What remains are great reviews , the memory of the experience of those who walked the Mile and the app .